Marcel Kalisvaart and Áquila Allucard both founder and owner of Magus Utopia combined numerous creative disciplines to reintroduce one of the oldest performing arts: MAGIC!

“Our intention was to create something new, something that the modern world had never seen in this way. The focus was to be different, to stand out and to inspire.”

“Our intention was to create something new, something that the modern world had never seen in this way. The focus was to be different, to stand out and to inspire.”

Our intention was to create something new, something that the modern world had never seen in this way. The focus was to be different, to stand out and to inspire.


Show Producer, Illusionist
and co owner of Magus Utopia.

Magicians achieve illusions through practiced deception. But the goal of Fantasy Illusionism is not to show tricks but to widen the experience beyond magic translating that into an exciting story. We aim to create unforgettable experiences for any audience world wide.

“Magicians achieve illusions through practiced deception. But the goal of Fantasy Illusionism is not to show tricks but to widen the experience beyond magic translating that into an exciting story. We aim to create unforgettable experiences for any audience world wide. ”


Show Producer, Illusionist
and co owner of Magus Utopia.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

A brilliant and exciting art form was born: FANTASY ILLUSIONISM ™. This new genre received 1st prize in the World Champions of Magic in 2012.


Áquila Allucard Show Producer, Art Director and co owner of Magus Utopia.

Nothing has an absolute form; the whole universe is made of different elements and each one of them compliments the other. In art I see this same beautiful dance of different elements coming together to inspire and elevate our conscious. That is why freedom of expression is so important and that drives me to create in Magus Utopia.

“Nothing has an absolute form; the whole universe is made of different elements and each one of them compliments the other. In art I see this same beautiful dance of different elements coming together to inspire and elevate our conscious. That is why freedom of expression is so important and that drives me to create in Magus Utopia.”

From that point forward Magus Utopia received 19 awards for best performance, creativity and originality. They have been producing and performing around the world in many different platforms including theater, TV and festivals. Among those names are Universal Studios, World Got Talent and a 2 year production in China.



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